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Welcome to my beloved bohemian home!I’m honoured to show you the place where I get cozy, inspired, artistic and make magic happen. ✨ Truthfully, I never knew I had a knack for interior decorating… But ever since I got Pearl the Camper, I’ve been obsessed with creating beautiful spaces full of thoughtful and creative touches. […]

A Bohemian Artist’s Studio

Aug 1, 2020

I turned 30! Here are some things I’ve learned.

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Not everyone gets to make it to 30. I am so humbled and proud to have made it this far. Not only have I made it, but I am thriving. And I am happy. I’ve compiled a list of 30 things that have become important reminders as I go through daily life. Honestly, I’m kinda […]

Dec 4, 2019

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I used to be so lonely. I would just crave a person, ANY person to be MY person….And I wanted so desperately to be that person for somebody else. Every day as the sun came and went I’d think, why don’t I have a partner in crime to share my world with? Surely I deserve […]

are you lonely, too?

Sep 6, 2019

Anxiety from too much travel?

I haven’t been completely honest..

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This was me last week. Amongst all the happy smiling faces and photos of my epic travels, this photo resembles how I actually felt most of the time… and most of the month for that matter. I suffer from anxiety. And although as I write this post and I’m feeling pretty darn good, I know […]

Mar 1, 2018


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Thankful is something that has really been ringing in my ears lately. Every day I wake up with an abundance of thanks for all the things in my life, big or small. Sometimes I’m thankful for my family’s health & wellbeing, sometimes I’m thankful for a hot shower, sometimes I’m thankful for my little cactus […]

Being thankful brings good things :)

Jul 11, 2016


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life as an artist

Pearl the Camper

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