



view post

I used to be so lonely. I would just crave a person, ANY person to be MY person….And I wanted so desperately to be that person for somebody else. Every day as the sun came and went I’d think, why don’t I have a partner in crime to share my world with? Surely I deserve […]

are you lonely, too?

Sep 6, 2019

celiac & parasites… the saga continues!

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I’m going to rip it off like a bandaid. Are you ready!? So basically in a nut shell I found out that in addition to a recent diagnosis of Celiac Disease, I was also carrying around two pesky parasites in my gut! Eww, amiright!?  The good news is that it’s not a tape worm cause […]

Nov 18, 2018

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Surprise! I have a brand new song to be released June 18th, 2018!!! 

New song alert!

Jun 1, 2018


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Pearl the Camper

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