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How to write a song

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Sep 27, 2015

I started writing songs 5 years ago, and although I feel I have improved significantly, my writing style has stayed the same throughout the years. Since I’ve gotten many questions about my writing process I thought it might be a good idea to cover this in the bloggie today. This is an inside look of the Jessica-Allossery-song-writing-way.

I’m reallllllly glad you stumbled on this post, hunnie bunz!!! Cuz I’m about to give you the most valuable piece of information of your songwriting life.

Are you ready? Really Ready freddy !?!?



Grab a pen and a notebook.



Is it really that simple?

I’m glad you asked! Because the answer is a great big YES!

If you are stuck in writers block, the only thing stopping you from writing is your own mind. Stop thinking, just DO!

Some helpful hints to get you started: I write in a notebook with a pen because it let’s me think about my words more clearly, rather than typing it out on the computer. I also think it’s important to have your lyrics in tangible writing that you are able to review and revise at your own leisure, instead of having to open up your laptop and try to find it in your computer…  Because what happens if there’s a hard drive failure? Could you imagine!? How sad would it be to lose your own pieces of art?

This is what I do when I write, every single time.
See how dazed I am?! Totes in the zone.




I sit in a comfortable place, somewhere where I can look out into nature, or people. Somewhere in front of a window, or on a balcony, or in a back yard. Somewhere with peace, quiet and serenity. Somewhere that smells nice! Like flowers or beautifully scented candles. I’ll play around with my guitar until I find a melody that sticks, and simultaneously I will try to find words that fit in well with the mood of the melody.

I write verse by verse.  Sometimes if my first verse is very catchy, I will use it as a chorus instead, and then work on the verses after to fit into the song.  It’s really like a puzzle sometimes, fitting all the pieces together.




I must also confess…Throughout my daily life, if I remember something, or think of, or hear somebody say a certain word or phrase that gives me beautiful imagery, I will write it down in my phone right away to remember. Then later on down the road when I am trying to write a song and am stuck on lyrics, I ‘ll  take out my phone, and see if any of my words or phrases could fit in.  This is a really neat trick in my book, and always saves me when I get caught up in the weeds.

Sometimes my lyrics come out like butter. They are easy and natural, and there is only a bit of fixing that I have to do further on to finish up the song. Then I have times that give me a lot of trouble finishing verses or songs, and I will sit for hours feeling frustrated.
I definitely have to be in the right mindset to be able to write clean, beautiful lyrics. Feeling frustrated never helped anyone.




Anyway… This has been a window into my art and craft, and I hope I am able to inspire at least ONE of you out there to reach out of your box and take a look at your own writing style.

So it’s time to get in that frame of mind and get writing!

Good luck my beautiful people,
and remember to stay lovely.



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  1. James says:

    Really helpful, thanks <3

  2. Dave Wallace says:

    Would love to hear more about how you develop the melody – and it’s supporting chord structure. Sometimes I will sit at the piano and just lightly play a few interesting chords, and a melody will begin to materialize. I like to think up the words based on strong images and emotions. Often, the best setting to do that is a quiet evening with subdued lighting and maybe a glass of wine, or two…

    • Jessica Allossery says:

      I think I do the same thing that you do! I kind of just tinker around on the guitar until something starts to sound good.. and then I’m like… ouu, I like that. That sounds good… And start building from there!

  3. Manny says:

    See, how my last comment, i had just mentioned puzzle pieces & now in your next post about your writing, you mention puzzle pieces! Think that’s Amazing? Now grasp this with a rainbow? I just caught a glimpse on how Jessica Allossery writes her magic! Bet you will never guess what Jessica “the lovely” Allossery will be doing for little ole me? Ding, Ding, Ding! 10 fluffy soft clouds for the lovely with the notebook and pen, fitting, creating, conjuring.. No scrap conjuring & replace with…… ahhhmmmm… Conducting, & add, arranging the purrrfect song for a father to give his daughter on her wedding night! Just knowing Jessica Allossery will be helping me, through song when time comes for that father / daughter dance. After that, is nothing butt calm cool sailing! There, I hope I am able to inspire right back atcha! Sweet Baby Jesus, I can’t wait to hear your song for my daughter. I mentioned this song to my ex, my daughter’s mom & she has already started crying! I told my ex, wedding is a month away so she better cork it or she won’t have any happy tears at the wedding. Then she would really look silly, right? Imagine a tear-less mother at her daughter’s wedding! >=D



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