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Welcome to my beloved bohemian home!I’m honoured to show you the place where I get cozy, inspired, artistic and make magic happen. ✨ Truthfully, I never knew I had a knack for interior decorating… But ever since I got Pearl the Camper, I’ve been obsessed with creating beautiful spaces full of thoughtful and creative touches. […]

A Bohemian Artist’s Studio

Aug 1, 2020

Room for a Gypsy Soul - The Lovely Indie Blog by songstress Jessica Allossery https://thelovelyindie.com/

✨ Room for a gypsy soul ✨

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Last year I went through one of the darkest periods in my life. I felt tortured inside. Alone and broken. I thought I’d never be able to pick up my own pieces and put them back together again. After about a full year of confusion & sadness, and 6 months of complete downward spiral darkness, I […]

Mar 10, 2017

Heading to South Africa? Here are some destination ideas.

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Guess what?! I’m in Africa again!!! What else is new. LOL! South Africa has become one my most favourite happy places. I feel safe here, adventurous and looked after by the sunshine. The atmosphere is warm and inviting, the culture is vibrant, the people are wonderful and the landscape is a vision in itself. I have some […]

Welcome to Africa!!!

Feb 14, 2017


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Pearl the Camper

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