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My wildest dream of all time is…

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Sep 21, 2018

If you were to guess what an independent musicians’ biggest and wildest dream would be, what would you guess?

– Get signed to a major label?
– Win a grammy?
– Travel the world performing a major stadium tour with Taylor Swift?!

Well sorry to burst your little gum drop, but those dreams aren’t mine!!!
At least, they are not in my top #2


So, what’s left then?
Since I began playing music ten years ago, I’ve had one single dream that I think about on a daily basis. I’ve always felt in my heart that one day it will come true, it’s just a matter of time, patience and perseverance – as with the achievement of most dreams!! Ok Ok you’ve been waiting long enough.

Drum roll please!






To meet Ellen Degeneres!!!!




I love that lady. I’ve never met her, but I truly love her. She has made this world a better place a thousand times over with her jokes, dancing, and laughter. She changes lives on a daily basis and it’s just so darn inspiring to see all of the selfless energy that she puts fourth into the work she’s doing.

I admire her so much. She is my biggest hero. I would feel so humbled and honoured if I had a chance to meet and perform for her! Just imagine me and Pearl the camper doing a house concert in her home — or on her show for her audience! ????????
I truly want to try and give her back a tiny piece of my heart that she has filled up so full since she started changing lives all over the world – including my own. Ohh my life would be complete!!! 


Ok now for my second biggest dream of all time:

???? To own a home! ????


I know this one is pretty basic but for independent musicians like myself, sometimes it can feel completely out of reach. That’s why I am SO excited to announce that I have actually started the search to find my very first home and my dream is already underway! 

OMGahhhh!  Thats huge news my friends. HUGE!


I can hardly believe it but here I am.. Being all adulty and stuff. ????


The ultimate goal with my first home is to find a cabin-like space in the woods. A place that is calm, cozy and inviting, where I can do all of my writing. I would turn a room into my home recording studio, where I can record my Gift of Songs and future acoustic albums.

Alsooo…. if I end up being able to build a little cabin on my property, I could host creative writing retreats/rentals for anyone interested to spend a weekend at the cabin, or with me, to learn the craft of performing & songwriting.
Now THAT would be heaven!


My life would feel 100% complete if I were able to accomplish both of these dreams. So so epic.

I feel that I am getting closer! Onwards with one step at a time, one day at a time!





Care to share your wildest dreams with the world?
Leave a comment below!

The first step that I personally take towards accomplishing a dream is to write it down and visualize it with as many details that my brain could possibly handle. I allow my mind to explode with colours and smells and sights and sounds of what could be the moment I achieve my dream! Think of it like manifesting — but also know that a lot of hard work has to be put fourth in order for dreams to come true.

pssst… I’ll be near the water cooler and the wild dreamers. 

  I would like to encourage YOU to be a wild dreamer with your own goals, and start taking small steps to make them come true! Share your greatest dreams below and put it out there to the universe to get the ball rolling. Remember, one foot in front of the other.

As always if you’ve read this far, THANK YOU for being here and witnessing my journey and my own wildest dreams!


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  1. Bruce says:

    Over the past few years I have dreamed that I would meet Jessica Allossery, and she would play in my home town, and that I would get to play & sing with her. : – )

  2. Jane Finnan says:

    Dear Jessica, I understand your admiration for her as I’m a fan too. I first heard your music on the radio on one of my long drives from Toronto to Vincennes, Indiana. We have a non-profit cat sanctuary there and I drive down every month to run errands and buy supplies and see the progress on our building projects. My dream is to see the sanctuary self-sufficient with sponsorship from a pet food company. We have 62 kittens and over a hundred cats, most of whom are unadoptable because of health issues. It’s very hard work, but we have many cats who would never find a home.

    • Jessica Allossery says:

      It’s so good to learn about people like you who are working hard to put animals lives first. THank you for your projects and all the love you pour into them. Hopefully I can come and play and help raise some money over there for you at the sanctuary at some point! <3

  3. Dearest Jessica, thank you for sharing your dreams with us. It’s inspiring to see you moving towards the things you desire. Wow, a house, that’s so far from what I could ever imagine affording, haha. I’m so happy that you’re, DESERVEDLY, building the support you need to get there. I am so proud of you, my friend! Looking forward to seeing you on Ellen ????. Love you, always

    • Jessica Allossery says:

      Nate, it’s so good to hear from you!!! A home might seem like it’s far away for us musicians, but I think it’s a lot more in reach that what we believe in our minds! I can’t wait to skype with you again, I feel like we have so much to catch up on <3

  4. Jeff Webb says:

    I guess when I was younger I had the wild dream of becoming Jimmy Page, guitarist with Led Zeppelin! But that was never going to happen. So I turned to more practical dreams like seeing my favourite bands in concert – Frank Zappa, Dweezil Zappa, Van Morrison, Pink Floyd, Led Zeppelin, Genesis, Bruce Springsteen, Joss Stone, R.E.M, Neil Young – I’ve seen them all and more. Also travelling. I’ve been round the world twice and lived in various countries. After all the travelling it was time to settle down. 30 years of marriage, 3 children and 2 grandchildren later I guess I’ve lived that one too. My remaining dream is to enjoy my retirement and just continue to enjoy what I’ve enjoyed for years. Listening to music and going to concerts is still high on the list. Anyway good luck with yours and keep doing what you are doing. Best wishes.

    • Steven Hill says:

      I love the idea of a songwriters retreat. I would so take you up on that, as I play a little guitar and have written about 20 or so songs over the years but I don’t know really what I’m doing, lol.

      As for my ultimate dream come true? It would be selling the novel I’m currently writing and it becoming a best seller! I’m 60 pages in and locked in a rhythm!

      • Jessica Allossery says:

        Hi Steven!
        That would be soo very cool to be able to meet you and have you join me for a weekend songwriting retreat! Perhaps that goal is only a couple years in the future! ????– Your dream, I’m so happy to hear about your novel! That’s amazing news that you’ve already got 60 pgs. Sounds like a GREAT start! Keep on going with it! I hope you dreams come true and I hope it become a hit best seller!

    • Jessica Allossery says:

      Thank you Jeff! I like that you’re being realistic with your dreams with all those things under your belt at this point in your life 🙂 Glad to hear that you’re looking to continue enjoying retirement and still enjoying music. I hope you can come and watch me perform some day!!!

      • Jeff Webb says:

        I hope so too. Either in USA/Canada or here in Norway. We have a nice summer cabin that would be great for a house concert 🙂



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